06 November 2010

The Social Network

In this blog I'm not going to comment on too many films, but I felt that this one deserved some recognition. A true masterpiece in recent cinema.

This film decided to tell the story of the invention of the hugely popular website, Facebook. It's a very powerful story, filled with betrayal of friendship and the power money can have over our lives. It's a film that doesn't show off any special effects, and doesn't try to be elaborate the story to any great extremes, it just tells the tale. The casting and acting was superb. All the actors played their roles just how they should be. These are characters that you have every reason to hate, but somehow like them. Mark Zuckerburg can be quite a nasty character, but we move past that.
The film constantly flips between the court case and the events that led up to it, as the main characters give their accounts. This was a really clever format. For someone with no knowledge of the real story (as I was), one might be slightly confused at the start, but by the end, you totally understand and all the pieces fall into place. It also gives a hint as to the tragedy that is the court case.
If I was to find a problem with the film, that would be the ending. The film just ends, with the result of the court case revealed as text on the screen. It would have been more satisfying to see it happen, rather than read it.
However, despite this, The Social Network is easily one of the best films of the year, possibly of the decade.

"If you guys were the inventors of Facebook, you'd have invented Facebook."
"You're best friend is suing you for 600 million dollars"

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